What’s More Fun To Play: Modern Consoles or Retro Arcade Machines?

For gamers, young and old, arcades have always held a certain allure – a throwback to a bygone era, best seen in classic movies and TV shows. Visiting an arcade in the modern world takes older gamers back to their youth, invigorates new gamers, and introduces them to something truly special. Unfortunately, these game havens are not as common as they used to be. What’s more, for people who grew up with them, the new establishments don’t always have the same nostalgic feel.

The traditional games that made arcades fantastic have been replaced with modern upgrades, which is great for some but disheartening for others. In addition, many kids and teenagers can now play games at home or even on their phones, meaning traditional machines look set to be a thing of the past.

No matter where you fall into the gaming society, whether you’re an avid PacMan fan or prefer FIFA or Call Of Duty, the question is, which is more fun? Do modern games that you can play at home reign supreme, or do retro arcade games still connect people across the world? This article will look at that question in some more depth.

Retro Arcade Machines

They are tall, they are huge, they have amazing graphics on the side and a whole host of controls; they are retro arcade machines. You can buy them for your games room from a company like Bespoke Arcades, but, again, that is moving what used to be an almost public machine into a private space.


So, going back to when these machines were to be found almost everywhere, what did they offer to young people?

 1. Socializing

Yes, you could be waiting in line for an hour to play a game, but you could meet up with your friends and connect with other gamers who just love to get on the machine and show what they can do.

 2. Wide Range of Games

You could always find the newest game at the local arcade, and as you didn’t need to spend a fortune to play it, you could experience it for literal pennies, which is incredibly fun and will help you to find the best arcade game with ease.

 3. Ambiance

Going to an arcade was (and can still be) exciting! You had all of your friends there. You had amazing arcade machines and snacks. What more could you want?


Were there any drawbacks to these arcade machines?

 1. Broken Machines

Sadly, there were some downsides to playing on publicly accessible models; they could be damaged due to heavy handling and were prone to breaking down or malfunctioning.

 2. Upgrades

These machines were rarely upgraded, so they could be blocky and seem outdated. However, if you were to opt for one in 2024, you could upgrade it to play modern games with the help of a specialist.

 Modern Consoles

Almost every home has a modern gaming console, with even the average smartphone having technology and graphics that would have been futuristic even a decade ago! Every game room tends to have these, but are they as good or fun compared to the retro machines?


There are a few real pros to these amazing machines!

 1. Graphics

The graphics on modern gaming machines are amazing. There are no two ways around it; the backdrops are immersive, and the graphics cards allow even the smallest details to be seen. They truly are a work of art!

 2. Socializing

Many modern gaming consoles allow for multiplayer, so you can invite friends over to have a game day. The same is true for online gaming, with the majority having a chat log in the corner of the screen to talk to other gamers.

 3. Easy To Use

When you get a games console, the controls are easy to use. There is no need to mash your palm against the buttons to figure out what does what! Every game you buy may come with an instruction manual, which will walk you through what you need to do to excel in the game with the controls and other features. However, games can now be easily purchased virtually, so you may need to look online for tips and tricks from experienced players.


Modern gaming consoles have come under some heavy fire and have been linked to specific societal issues. These are extreme claims, but there are some cons to these types of devices.

  1. Cost

There are no two ways about it: gaming consoles are expensive! Yes, you will get amazing graphics and a range of games to play at home, but building up a gaming console with all the gadgets and other bits to get the most immersive experience is incredibly costly. This is why you get professional gamers; they have spent a fortune on the kit!

  1. Limited Upgrade Options

Speaking of professional gamers, they often have multiple gaming consoles in one space. Why? Because gaming consoles are notoriously hard to upgrade! Therefore, you need to spend more money to have a range of different consoles to play different games, even if all of the machines are from the same brand.

Final Thoughts

Whether you love FIFA or prefer to spend hours trying to beat Space Invaders, arcade machines should be here to stay. Retro arcade machines offer a nostalgic trip down memory lane and bring players back to their childhood era. They will always hold a special place for gamers, old and new. On the other hand, modern consoles provide stunning graphics and the ability to connect with friends online. There’s no denying the enduring appeal of both. So why not look to companies like Bespoke Arcades, where you can enjoy retro arcade games and modern console games on the same machine? That way, you don’t need to choose your favorites, and you can have many happy hours playing whatever game takes your fancy in the moment.

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