Closing the Door: Last Door Chapter 4
This week our resident Time Waster reviews the season finale for The Last Door. Does Chapter Four of this much loved series end with closure, or just more questions?
This week our resident Time Waster reviews the season finale for The Last Door. Does Chapter Four of this much loved series end with closure, or just more questions?
This week Billy plays Punch Quest, an endless runner game that is mixed with a side-scrolling beat’em up, but is it any good?
This week Billy joins Sonic the Hedgehog to try out a new game on his phone. Does Sonic play just as well on a phone as on a console?
This week Billy continued his racing game spree with Turbo Drifters? Does it fare well against the other racers he has been playing?
Poor Billy missed the Sega Genesis revolution the first time around. But now thanks to new technology, the At Games Sega Genesis console offers the classic games and new thrills.
This week Billy played Super Tux Cart, a free racing game that features mascots from open source programs. Is the game worth a play or should it be left behind?
This week Billy took to the web and discovered the side-scrolling shooter Tek Tactical. Is the game worthy of praise or rage?
Coming into the racing genre comes a game with bouncy cars, littered tracks and paintball bullets. Does Billy give this new addition a pass or a fail?
This week Billy went to Facebook to feed his Time Waster addiction with Jelly Splash. Did the game scratch his itch, or is he looking for more?
This week Billy takes to his phone to check out a new game RPG called Pocket Knights. Can Pocket Knights compare to previous mobile RPGs reviewed by this Time Waster?