Chella Ramanan, European Correspondent

Chella hails from the UK and joined around the year 2000. It was so many moons ago, she can't quite remember. Back then, the only women you saw in the games industry were in bikinis and vertiginous heels at trade shows - oh how times have changed, kind of. Chella started as a humble reviewer, but soon became our European Correspondent and keeps us on top of industry happenings across the Pond. She tends to like the weird Japanese games we've never heard of, so that's good for making us look all-encompassing and stuff. Chella does like games, so don't be fooled by the copious amount of columns devoted to bemoaning the lack of variety in the industry. When she's not surfing (the sea, not the internet) or camping up mountains, Chella likes a good action RPG (especially if it's sci-fi), anything with a good narrative and like we said, the weirder the better. She's also a regular in the GiN Lounge, but that's just because we like her accent.

Recent Posts

Blade Runner 2049 Trailer Breakdown

Chella and Drew have traveled to the far-flung future of 2049 to watch the trailer for Blade Runner 2049, the sequel to the original Blade Runner, which takes place in the far-flung future of two years from now. They return with deep and well-considered opinions, and also a sports almanac I’m not supposed to tell anybody about.