The Halfway Point for Games
Believe it or not, 2014 is more than halfway over. To celebrate, we discuss some of the games that have captured our fancy, and ask you what titles you’ve most enjoyed…so far.
Believe it or not, 2014 is more than halfway over. To celebrate, we discuss some of the games that have captured our fancy, and ask you what titles you’ve most enjoyed…so far.
Taking a static concept like tower defense onto a moving platform like a space ship is what Space Run is all about. It really turns the genre onto its head and is quite refreshing, if a bit on the challenging side.
Howdy everyone. You may not notice this at first, but I’m not Chella, though I play one on TV. Not really. Only Greg Crowe here at GiN actually appears on TV. But I do fill in for Chella when she’s on vacation. She spent the last week at the Glastonbury Festival over in England, which is a pretty big music and cultural event that looks like a lot of fun. Chella and her team of friends help to organize a small part of the show, so she’s doubly tired I’m sure. Meanwhile, here in the United States, we have a … Continue reading What Do We Play On A Long Holiday Weekend?
Recently Bungie pulled back the curtains a bit on the upcoming Destiny game with a three day Alpha. What we found inside the beautiful and deadly world wasn’t quite a shooter and not really an MMO either, but something unique, and at times, pretty wonderful.
Sony kicked off their E3 Expo Conference this year by showing all the games, peripherals and original content that will be available for PlayStation gamers of all stripes.
Leading off the E3 Expo conference this year, Microsoft stressed that it would be all about the games, and then delivered a solid 90 minutes of AAA, indie and exclusive titles that would soon be landing on the Xbox One and Xbox 360.
Banished is a fun medieval city-building simulation where you don’t have to worry about things like monsters or bandits. You’ll have enough on your hands trying to ward off starvation, disease and winter’s chill.
State of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed House Bill 958 into law this week, a move that provided a host of competitiveness initiatives aimed at bringing more development and businesses to the state. Bundled among the other initiatives was a measure that provides significant tax breaks for video game developers who choose to work within the state. According to state officials, Georgia’s game and digital media industry is growing rapidly. That growth is fueled by a comprehensive suite of business assets that Georgia is able to offer game companies, including a pipeline of creative and technical talent, competitive incentives and … Continue reading Georgia Makes Tax Breaks For Game Developers A Law
Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny have a new friend down in South Park – you! As the new kid in town, you have to fight Mongolian Hoards, aliens, monsters and hobos in a role-playing like quest to become cool.
From Watchdogs to The Division, we examine all the games that players should be looking forward to in the first half of 2014. We also talk about some of the games that have already made a splash like Titanfall and Thief, as well as indie games like Banished, Gone Home and Banner Saga.