A Woman On A Mission
Meg Stivison designs quests for Next Island, a time traveling MMO that’s striking a unique flag in the fertile online game ground. So what’s it like keeping thousands of players happy?
Meg Stivison designs quests for Next Island, a time traveling MMO that’s striking a unique flag in the fertile online game ground. So what’s it like keeping thousands of players happy?
The Deus Ex: The Missing Link DLC fills in the gap during the main story of Human Revolution when Adam was a stowaway onboard a Belltower cargo ship.
The Age of Conan: Unchained MMO has recently gone free to play, and the amount of action, adventure and gameplay you will find inside makes that a perfect value.
Rage mixes a shooter and a racer to create an exciting game that will really shake up the current crop of post-apocalyptic fighting games. With a bit of humor and a deep story, Rage is not to be missed.
Must eventually end, but you will love every minute of the final chapter found in Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road. Emotionally gripping with a grand adventure, this is a perfect DLC.
We sieze some time with Firefly Studios, the strategy geniuses behind the Stronghold series to talk about their online game and the brand new release of Stronghold 3.
Come to Dead Island’s beautiful resort getaway where the only flaw is that it’s infested with undead. Zombie hunters will want to check-in to this impressive open-world paradise/nightmare.
The developers of Indie title Afterfall:Insanity have launched a marketing ploy to draw attention to their game, which releases in the same month as the big AAA holiday titles. The offer is as follows: Pre-order the game for just $1 and receive the full game plus the official soundtrack on the release date IF the number of orders reaches 10 million. If they do not reach the magic 10 million they will donate all funds to charity and offer supporters the opportunity to purchase the game at one dollar less than the RRP. Check out their Website at http://www.afterfall-universe.com/en/ for … Continue reading Crazy? Or Crazy Like A Fox? Insanity Pre-order for $1?
The U.S. military includes more than 1 million active duty personnel. But that number is dwarfed by America’s at-home army of first-person shooters, numbering in the millions, and only impacted by the weather and what’s on TV. Now, an online clothing company based in San Francisco is aiming to outfit this massive fighting force. With this week’s release of Couch Commandos, Betabrand has taken traditional military cargo pants and tailored them to the needs of the most demanding Recliner Rambos. Couch Commandos are available in Black-Ops Black, Olive Drab, and Desert Khaki ($85) as well as a limited-edition mash-up of … Continue reading Betabrand Presents Couch Commandos Pants
Train Simulator 2012 follows up on the GiN Simulation Game of the Year, Railworks 2, but adds in breathtaking new graphics, incredible sound and plenty of ease of use improvements.