Combat As Real As It Gets
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising offers a shooter that is more like a military simulation. Whether or not gamers will embrace this concept is up for debate.
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising offers a shooter that is more like a military simulation. Whether or not gamers will embrace this concept is up for debate.
Left 4 Dead 2 brings us a whole new group of survivors from the zombie apocalypse. And while it maintains the flavor of the original, it also makes up for a lot of its sins.
Borderlands offers a cel-shaded Mad Max-type of wasteland world where you can find billions of different guns to kill enemies in exiting and unique ways. What could be better?
New anti-hero Rubi comes to play with her sword, guns and tons of insane acrobatic moves in Wet. With more blood than a 70’s drive-in flick, Wet offers a thrill a second from beginning to violent end.
If you’re tired of playing MMOs with wood elves and orcs, the world of Fallen Earth can offer fun with firearms and dirt bikes, plus a chance for a great suntan courtesy of the apocalypse.
Risen is a new RPG that was released without a lot of fanfare. But with a purely open world and unique character leveling, could it be an Oblivion killer?
When developer Cyberlore went under, we thought the innovative Majesty series was gone forever. But Paradox brought it back, and Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim is better than ever.
Nearly as cute as the movie, the Up game also proves that multi-person titles can be fun and challenging, as well as appropriate for children of all ages.
The second British Invasion kicks off today with the release of The Beatles: Rock Band, a title that is sure to please both casual gamers and hardcore fans. We played the game for a week now, and it’s fabulous!
The Mothership Zeta DLC for Fallout 3 takes the series in a new direction, and is more than worth the price of admission. For something completely different, try heading out into space.