An Anniversary Present
The Tomb Raider Franchise was in danger of collapse, but Anniversary brings everything back into focus as a slightly remade classic, and a great game in its own right.
The Tomb Raider Franchise was in danger of collapse, but Anniversary brings everything back into focus as a slightly remade classic, and a great game in its own right.
Although it began life as an educational tool, Making History: The Calm & The Storm eventually became a rewarding game that looks at why the war happened.
Ancient Wars: Sparta may have been inspired by the 300 movie, but to compare the two would be a grievous insult – to the movie.
ArmA: Combat Operations shares many of the same advantages and flaws as Bohemia Interactive’s classic Operation Flashpoint series.
Combat Mission: Shock Force is more of a military simulation than a game, which does not mean that its not a lot of fun to play for the strategic minded.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl takes you inside the hot zone around a melted down reactor, where your wits and trigger finger will be sorely tested.
Bethesda pulled back the cover on Fallout 3, and what we saw was pretty amazing. This will be the game to look out for next year.
Warfront: Turning Point takes two events of WWII and changes them to build a rich alternative history around the war, then challenges you to fight it.
Vanguard Saga of Heroes offers a fascinating world, but only hardcore online players need apply, and only they can survive this tough game.
The first mega-expansion pack for Oblivion takes you into the realm of madness, where everyone you meet is just a little, or a lot, crazy. Expect the unexpected in there.