Porkrine: The Podcast’s New Pup Reporter?
Since things didn’t quite work out with the movie review idea for the podcast, Porkrine makes a pitch to become a reporter for the show instead. Will he be able to dazzle Darius?
Since things didn’t quite work out with the movie review idea for the podcast, Porkrine makes a pitch to become a reporter for the show instead. Will he be able to dazzle Darius?
Porkrine, Mr. Squirrel and Mr. Turtle agree to Darius’ idea for them to do a group review for the podcast. And unlike Katz, they actually attempt to complete the assignment.
Darius’ mysterious meeting with the crew continues. He reveals his exciting podcast idea for them, but they may have indulged a bit much for this conversation. Perhaps next meeting he could take this bunch for a pizza instead?
Darius invites Porkrine, Mr. Turtle and Mr. Squirrel to gather at their local watering hole. The group is pretty excited to find out what Darius’ motive is for scheduling this mysterious meeting.
Katz’s improvised live Stray review apparently didn’t go over very well with the podcast’s subscribers. Gary’s not too pleased with the aftermath following Katz’s review.
Gary and Darius thought they had Katz convinced to review the game Stray, and the day has arrived for the live stream of their Game Over Gang’s podcast. Is Katz all prepared to share his live review of Stray in just a few minutes, or will there be a last-minute cat he has to let out of the bag?
This week, the guys are trying to convince an unwilling Katz to do a review of the game Stray for them. Will two grown men be able to change one cat’s mind?
Gary gets down to interviewing Nicky the Rat. Will Tim Apple’s strong recommendation help get Nicky a job as a crew member on the podcast, or will he soon find himself on his way back to New Jersey?
Fresh from his not so relaxing vacation, Tim Apple brings home a surprise for the Game Over Podcast crew, all the way from New Jersey.
Katz is feeling generous enough to share his vacation timeshare with Tim Apple. But can you ever really trust that your vacation rental will be as good as it looks in the brochure?