Sunday Cartoon: Interview with a Turtle
The interview for Porkrine’s job continues, and this one seems to be dragging on a little long. Of course, time is relative, especially when you live for over 100 years.
The interview for Porkrine’s job continues, and this one seems to be dragging on a little long. Of course, time is relative, especially when you live for over 100 years.
The guys are trying to find a replacement for Porkrine, but it’s pretty slow going. Slow as a turtle actually, and not the ninja kind.
With Porkrine out of the picture for now, the Game Over Podcast gang looks to retool, but someone is not having that. Also, what the heck is a key grip?
Gary wants to bury the hatchet with Porkrine, or does he want to bury it in him? It’s a mystery, so of course an infamous villain also returns to cause trouble. Hopefully the Game Over Gang can still manage to have a happy Easter.
The Game Over guys try to unravel the muddy situation from last week. Will Porkrine and our favorite cat find a new home?
The Game Over Gang goes digging for answers as Porkrine’s behavior becomes increasingly erratic, and muddy.
Frustrations are boiling over this week, and mudslinging is the word of the day.
Our animal heroes are down but not out this week, as one of them finds an unexpected windfall, if they have a strong enough stomach.
Unfortunately, our two animal heroes are out in the cold tonight. Let’s hope the resourceful pair can find a solution, without getting on each other’s nerves too much.
The cat is out of the bag about Gary’s mom dating Mario. In addition to knowing that he will always come to the rescue, he also has access to an unlimited supply of Nintendo’s mushrooms.