Sunday Cartoon: Teaching Old Katz New Tech
Cats are not exactly known for being cooperative when it comes to any kind of training. So how do you think it will go when a smartphone tries to teach Katz some new tech?
Cats are not exactly known for being cooperative when it comes to any kind of training. So how do you think it will go when a smartphone tries to teach Katz some new tech?
Enticed by the promise of free coffee delivery, Katz sets out to learn how to use a smartphone. But can a cat really learn to use technology?
Porkrine tells the tale of an unexpected visitor dropping in on him this week as the Mr. Turtle saga continues.
There is nothing better for recharging one’s batteries than having a Katz and coffee break. Cheers!
After an exhaustive search of the gamer garage, there is still no sign of Mr. Turtle’s whereabouts. The group then calls for outside help in trying to locate him.
The group searches the garage for Mr. Turtle. Perhaps he stepped out for some turtle chow?
Gary’s interviews continue. So, you know how sometimes job interviews just go badly? This would be one of those times.
The interview for Porkrine’s job continues, and this one seems to be dragging on a little long. Of course, time is relative, especially when you live for over 100 years.
The guys are trying to find a replacement for Porkrine, but it’s pretty slow going. Slow as a turtle actually, and not the ninja kind.
With Porkrine out of the picture for now, the Game Over Podcast gang looks to retool, but someone is not having that. Also, what the heck is a key grip?