The Mario Boys Attack
Beating the Squirrel to the punch by just a few minutes, the Mario brothers strike first. The only problem is that they strike the wrong person, namely Gary’s mother. Perhaps they got a little too close to those mushrooms.
Beating the Squirrel to the punch by just a few minutes, the Mario brothers strike first. The only problem is that they strike the wrong person, namely Gary’s mother. Perhaps they got a little too close to those mushrooms.
Just when you thought that Porkrine’s nemesis had been defeated, the insidious squirrel and his one remaining, faithful minion burst onto the scene. But will they arrive too late to recapture all of the escaped Raymonds?
Our intrepid news team speeds to the house of a reported mass Raymond sighting. They don’t find anything, but something about this place looks familiar.
Poor Gary can’t catch a break, but getting flooded by tribble wannabes was not something that he was probably expecting. And it probably wont help his sci-fi meltdown recovery.
Our insidious squirrel’s devious plans were thwarted when all of the Raymonds escaped while he was on the run from Nintendo’s ridiculous bounty hunters. But we are not safe yet. The picky felines are on the move! Are they coming to a town near you?
The bounty hunters from Nintendo are finally gone, and the heat is finally off. What better time for nemesis squirrel to reappear and start up operations again. Only a surprise jailbreak might disrupt his evil plans.
This week we check in on Gary after his on-air Star Trek Lower Decks meltdown. He’s trying to rest and avoid sci-fi, but given all that is happening in the world, watching the news might be just as bad for him. Good luck on the recovery Gary! We are sure nothing else can go wrong…
The pets of the Game Over Podcast crew are a little annoyed that humans are home all the time amid the pandemic. So they are offering a public service on masks to get us the heck out of their homes.
Gary is having some extra sleepy time this week after his Lower Decks review meltdown. But don’t worry, Gary’s cat, whose name is Gary Katz apparently, will add his own brand of nuttiness.
Things get, shall we say, a bit heated as the Game Over podcast crew attempt to review the new CBS All Access Star Trek Animated series Lower Decks. We better get Gary to the medical bay!