The Game Over guys aren’t sure what to make of virtual Comic-Con this year. Sure, we all need to social distance, but is dressing up in costume and sitting alone at home watching YouTube videos really something to wake up early for?
Porkrine is surprised to find the so-called bounty hunters from Nintendo at his door. They are looking for someone that he probably knows, but whether or not he helps is an open question.
While the Game Over guys work on a new show, Porkrine falls into a deep and dreaming sleep, where he cavorts with some unsavory characters with a unique set of skills, and plots his revenge.
Nintendo is offering a bounty on the head of the person or persons who recently hacked Animal Crossing. But not everyone at the big N is happy about that decision.
The best laid plans of mice and men, or in this case of citizens and squirrels, end up going astray this week. We’re sure that poor Porkrine is laughing about the sudden downfall of his nemesis.
Last week Porkrine’s squirrel nemesis returned his missing Nintendo Switch and promised to go straight from now on. But what was he doing with the Switch all that time? Could something more sinister be going on?
So…that exclusive Pac-Man interview didn’t go so well, but ever-vigilant PR hound PorkRine tries to put a positive spin on it anyway, with mixed results.
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