Michael Blaker’s Anime Sunday: “Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita” Episode 01 Impressions
Anime Sunday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various anime titles. This week he covers his “Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita” Episode 01 Impressions.
Anime Sunday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various anime titles. This week he covers his “Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita” Episode 01 Impressions.
Activision pulled back the curtains on the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III with two weekends of multiplayer betas. The GiN team was there and checked out the pending title on both next generation consoles and older hardware. It was quite a blast.
Bookish Wednesday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various novels. This week he covers “Theft of Swords” by Michael J. Sullivan.
Michael Blaker is back with more great fan fiction for his Synth Saturday column. This week he continues covering the sequel to “Gundam Wing: Journey to a New Battlefield” with Chapters 16-20 of “Gundam Wing: Destiny’s Call” by operation.meteor.
Wandering Sword is an RPG with a heavy emphasis on Chinese martial arts. Players take on the role of a young swordsman caught up in an ancient feud as they try to survive while also working to master the highest forms of martial arts.
Video Game Tuesday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various topics in the industry. This week he covers mega publishers.
Retro Game Friday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various games from the past. This week he covers Bubsy Two Fur.
Movie Monday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various movies from the past. This week he covers Demolition Man.
Michael Blaker is back with the first volume of a series for this week’s Translation Necessary Thursday. This week he covers “The Legend of Sun Knight Volume 01” by Yu Wo.
Anime Sunday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various anime titles. This week he covers his “Liar, Liar” Episode 01 Impressions.