Michael Blaker’s Anime Sunday: Aristocrat Appraisal Episode One Impressions
Anime Sunday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various anime titles. This week he covers his Aristocrat Appraisal Episode One Impressions.
Anime Sunday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various anime titles. This week he covers his Aristocrat Appraisal Episode One Impressions.
Bookish Wednesday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various novels. This week he covers “Wild Wastes Book One” by Randi Darren.
Synth Saturday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various Fan Fictions. This week he covers Chapters 56-60 of “Hard Enough-Pokemon SI” by Viva01.
Video Game Tuesday is a column where Michael Blaker covers various topics in the industry. This week he looks at why the FPS Concord failed so quickly after launch.
Retro Game Friday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various games from the past. This week he covers Elite Beat Agents.
Movie Monday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various movies from the past. This week he covers the movie Gidget.
Translation Necessary Thursday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various novels. This week he covers “Reborn as a Space Mercenary Volume 04” by Ryuto.
Anime Sunday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various anime titles. This week he covers his “Gods’ Games We Play” Episode One Impressions.
Bookish Wednesday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various novels. This week he covers “Bonded Summoner Book One” by JJ Bookerson.
Synth Saturday is a column by Michael Blaker covering various fan fictions. This week he covers Chapters 21-25 of “As N Approaches Infinity” by Corisanna.