Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.
In Star Trek: Picard’s fifth episode of season three Picard, Riker, and Seven of Nine prepare to face the music only to discover that Starfleet has sent a familiar face who offers shocking information. Raffi and Worf continue working District Six, and Shaw has to make a choice.
If you are still waiting for Diablo IV or have dived way too deep into any of the Torchlight games, then you might want to give Xploquest 3 a try. It’s got the fight, loot and upgrade gameplay loop down perfectly and is great for some mindless monster-killing fun.
In Star Trek: Picard’s fourth episode of season three, the Titan falls farther into the gravity well, Picard tries to get to know Jack a bit better, and Seven and Shaw form an unlikely alliance to find the Changeling saboteur. Picard and Jack seize on an idea that may save them all.
This week, the TD crew looks at Star Trek: Picard’s third episode of the third season, and they discuss Jack Crusher’s parentage, what Worf’s been up to, and what happens with too many commanders on a Starfleet bridge.
Kandria is a story-intensive title with lots of action and platforming in a surprisingly huge post-apocalyptic world filled with corrupted androids and other hazards. With 250 individually designed rooms to explore along with a variety of quests to complete, Kandria offers a unique challenge in a 2D pixel world.
In Star Trek: Picard’s third episode of season three, Picard and the Titan must dodge through the nebula, avoiding the Shrike and potential destruction. Raffi and Worf develop a solid working relationship, and a new enemy makes an appearance.
This week our Modern Gamer Marie takes a look at Papetura, a casual title where the entire world and even the characters in it are constructed of paper. It’s certainly a unique point and click adventure that many gamers should enjoy.
In Star Trek: Picard’s second episode of season three, we discover not only more about the identity of Jack Crusher but also that of Raffi’s mysterious handler. In other revelations, we learn about a mysterious new villain, and Captain Liam Shaw grows a spine.
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