Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 looks at Star Trek: Prodigy’s nineteenth episode of the first season. Confronted with the Starfleet Armada and fortuitously returned to their rightful bodies, Dal and Admiral Janeway scramble to prevent Starfleet from triggering the Living Construct.
This week, the TD crew chats about Star Trek: Prodigy’s nineteenth episode of season one. As Prodigy rounds into the season’s final two episodes, Trekker’s Delight talks about space battles, what we think will happen, teamwork, and Frisbees of Doom.
One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend is a rogue-lite RPG with a heavy emphasis on deck building, which is integral to being able to perform well in combat and complete quests. For those who like that kind of gameplay, One More Gate has a lot to offer.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 looks at Star Trek: Prodigy’s eighteenth episode of the first season. Zero and Dal try to take advantage of Dal’s peculiar genetic makeup to make a telepathic link with Admiral Janeway. They succeed in swapping his consciousness for hers, and you guessed it, hijinks ensue.
This week, the TD crew talks about Star Trek: Prodigy’s eighteenth episode of season one. Dal and Janeway switch bodies, and the TD crew considers Dal’s possible futures in the Federation.
The Tenants puts players in the role of a benevolent landlord and contractor on a mission to renovate apartments by turning depressing dumps into luxurious living spaces. The title rewards you if you keep your tenants happy and help your community.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 examines Star Trek Prodigy’s seventeenth episode of the first season. Dal and the rest of the Protostar crew have been running simulations in the holodeck for days to determine the best course of action for leaving the Neutral Zone. However, a spatial anomaly results in all the kids getting stuck in the holosuite without safety protocols.
This week Modern Gamer Marie Brownhill lets her fingers do the fighting in the typing trainer Outshine. In the game, players will be typing out words in order to launch missiles, shield their character and challenge endless sci-fi landscapes. And surprisingly, it’s actually G-R-E-A-T F-U-N.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 examines Star Trek: Prodigy’s sixteenth episode of the first season. In the wake of the revelation of Dal’s backstory, the Prodigy team give us the details on the rest of the crew’s back stories. We get long-awaited discussions of how Rok-Tahk, Zero, and Jankom Pog came to be on Tars Lamora.
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