Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 examines the eighth episode of the third season of Star Trek: Lower Decks. While running a sequel to Crisis Point in the holodeck, Boimler receives some unanticipated news. Tendi admits her truth, and Dr. T’Ana remains as awesome as ever.
This week, the TD crew talks all things Paradoxus, and the conversation runs in unanticipated directions. It’s Star Trek: Lower Decks third season’s eighth episode called “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus.” As always, don’t watch this at work!
Marie Brownhill, our Modern Gamer columnist, continues to look at spooky and seasonal titles. This week, she dives into the Lovecraft inspired madness of Last Threshold, a visual novel that has a soundtrack driven atmosphere and is dripping in hand-painted haunting backgrounds.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 looks at the seventh episode of the third season of Star Trek: Lower Decks. In this episode, Lower Decks takes us back to explore what happens when an exocomp meets an intelligent avian species and may or may not have the chance at redemption.
This week, the TD crew looks at Lower Decks taking a detour in which we meet back up with Peanut Hamper, the narcissistic exocomp. Will Peanut Hamper be able to redeem herself? Who knows? It’s Star Trek: Lower Decks third season’s seventh episode called “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption.”
Just in time for the fall season, the cozy and relaxing visual novel/witchcraft simulator Witchy Life Story has arrived on Steam. A young witch has been exiled to a town by her grandmother, and you as the player must help her make the town’s harvest festival a success in order for her to be allowed to continue with her witch’s training.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 delves into the sixth episode of the third season of Star Trek: Lower Decks. In this episode, Starfleet sends Cerritos to the iconic Deep Space Nine station to negotiate with the Karemma. Meanwhile, Mariner has to brave meeting Jennifer’s friends, and Tendi has to reach inside herself to channel her inner pirate.
This week, the TD crew chats about Lower Decks and its biggest Easter Egg yet–a crossover with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in the third season’s sixth episode called “Hear All, Trust Nothing.”
Our Modern Gamer Marie dons her overalls and work gloves to dig into Garden Simulator this week. If you are looking for a relaxing simulator where you can literally sit back and watch the grass (and other plants) grow, then Garden Simulator has got your perfect patch.
This week, Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 takes a look at the fifth episode of the third season of Star Trek: Lower Decks. In this episode, a short in his implant has Rutherford literally wrestling with himself and coming to some unpleasant conclusions. Mariner and Boimler get assigned recruiting booth duty, leaving Rutherford to his own devices. What could go wrong?
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