Trekker’s Delight Covers “Star Trek IV”
Trekker’s Delight covers “Star Trek IV”–with special guests Marco of Entertainment Rants and the Geeky Dad. So, please join us for “nuclear wessels” and “there be whales!”
Trekker’s Delight covers “Star Trek IV”–with special guests Marco of Entertainment Rants and the Geeky Dad. So, please join us for “nuclear wessels” and “there be whales!”
Our Modern Gamer grew up watching reruns of the Zorro TV show, as well as the 1990s remake. So, getting the chance to finally don the black mask and ride for justice was a dream come true. Find out about the amazing Zorro: The Chronicles adventure this week in our Modern Gamer review.
In the SNWs season one finale episode, a version of Pike from the future returns just as current day Pike finds himself at a crossroads in which he can either change the future or truly accept it. Future Pike gives his current day self a chance to live the future, with all of its layers of consequences.
The TD crew chats about Star Trek Enterprise’s “Cogenitor” episode–what worked, what didn’t, and what we’d rather have seen. The crew also dips its toes into discussing Strange New Worlds portrayal of the Gorn.
The Out There: Oceans of Time game tries to straddle the divide between a story-based title and a resource-management survival game, and it mostly succeeds by allowing the player to choose how they want to navigate between story nodes.
In this week’s Strange New Worlds “All Those Who Wander” episode, Pike leads an Away Mission to rescue the crew of the Peregrine and if possible, retrieve the ship. However, what they discover on Valeo Beta V is far from the easy mission he had hopes for and instead the crew finds a new flavor of horror awaiting them.
The TD crew continues with their Retro Tuesday Series. They take a look at decision-making with respect to some of the more pressing issues in Star Trek’s series.
Are you fabulous with flour? Yearning for yeast? Do your cupcakes always come out ready for a food magazine? Then you might be ready to tackle Bakery Simulator, a game about baking bread and earning it too. Just be ready to get a little hungry when you play.
In this week’s Strange New Worlds “The Elysian Kingdom” episode, M’Benga has been burning the proverbial candle at both ends being frustrated with his lack of progress in finding a cure for Nakiya. Thus, when he finds himself living the events of his daughter’s favorite book, he believes himself to be hallucinating. However, he must work through the story to find out the truth behind the story.
In light of recent events in the real world, the TD crew is forgoing their normal Star Trek Strange New Worlds review show to discuss important matters occurring a lot closer to home. Check us out as we cover “Measure of a Man” and “Author, Author.”