Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.
Regency Solitaire II is almost like having the hit television series Bridgerton represented as a card game. Players will need to help Lady Bella establish herself in social circles, assist her family, create the best-looking garden in the county and win lots of card games.
In Star Trek: Discovery’s ninth episode of season five, Captain Burnham and the Breen race for the Progenitors technology. The Breen nab the item first, but Burnham hatches a desperate plan to retrieve it. Will she succeed?
This week Trekker’s Delight discusses the eighth episode of season five of Star Trek: Discovery in which L’ak makes questionable choices. Moll panics. Captain Burnham goes on an odyssey of the mind.
Not only does Pocket Fishing on the Nintendo Switch let players experience fishing adventures while on the go, but it also simulates five amazingly challenging fishing locations around the world from New Zealand to Norway and the Amazon River.
This week Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 examines episodes five through eight of Star Trek: Discovery’s season five and gives some predictions about the final two episodes.
The Settlers of Catan is a beloved classic board game around the world and is played in multiple countries in over 40 languages. Now, that magic comes to the console with CATAN for Nintendo Switch with all the classic board game’s strategy and some enjoyable Switch-specific additions.