Marie Brownhill,

Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.

Recent Posts

Battle Lines: Opaka’s Calling

Kai Opaka makes an unexpected visit to the station, and Commander Sisko consents to take her to see the Wormhole. On the other side, they encounter a people divided, and Sisko must keep his people safe until their rescue. Opaka must make a shocking decision. This week on DS9 Rewatch: “Battle Lines.”

Q-Less: What Were They Thinking?

The DS9 crew rescues Dax and a surprisingly familiar face from an ailing runabout. Vash disembarks with a bag of artifacts from the Gamma Qadrant and the unfortunate attention of Q. While she attempts to divest herself of the artifacts to support a trip home, Sisko and the crew struggle to keep the station out of the wormhole. This week on DS9 Rewatch: Q-Less.