Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.
Discovery pinpoints the source of the Burn, and Saru faces a deeply personal challenge to his command. Burnham finds her answers, but they take a form she had never in her wildest dreams anticipated. Osyraa and Tilly face off. This week: “Su’Kal.”
This week, Emperor Georgiou fights to be the change she wants to see in the Mirror Universe. Captain Saru finds himself in a bit of hot water with Admiral Vance, and a very old friend makes a reappearance. This week: “Terra Firma II.”
Adira’s algorithm decodes a distress signal. Captain Saru has a valuable learning experience, and the crew races to an abandoned planet to grasp at Georgiou’s only chance for survival. This week: “Terra Firma I.”
Book receives a communique from his estranged brother begging him to return home, so he enlists the aid of Michael Burnham to help convince Saru that the Discovery needs to help. Meanwhile, Philippa Georgiou struggles with both health issues and common courtesy, and Stamets tries the parenting thing. This week: “The Sanctuary.”
Michael Burnham identifies a source of data potentially critical to her crusade to determine the cause and source of the Burn. The upshot, the data belong to the civilization on the planet formerly known as Vulcan. The downside? The Vulcans are no longer willing to share. Admiral Vance deploys Burnham to convince them otherwise. This week: “Unification III.”
While Saru struggles to prove Discovery’s legitimacy to Admiral Vance, Burnham and Georgiou hare off to an unknown world after Discovery receives a hail from Grudge. Burnham, per usual, finds what she expects, and Saru must contend with the fall-out from her decision. This week: “Scavengers.”
The Discovery makes its way to the new Federation/Starfleet HQ and receives a chilly welcome. Desperate to demonstrate their good faith, the crew races against time to save refugees afflicted with a deadly disease. This week: “Die Trying.”
The Discovery departs Earth for Trill to find help for Adira, and now that they have a moment, the crew begins to process the enormity of their situation. Saru attempts to help them while Burnham and Adira wrangle with recalcitrant Trill. This week: “Forget Me Not.”
Reunited with the crew of the Discovery once more, Burnham continues her mission to find the remains of Starfleet and the Federation. The Discovery heads toward Earth, following instructions from a twelve year old transmission, where what they find is not at all what they expected. This week: “People of Earth.”
The Discovery emerges from the wormhole only to crash into an unnamed planet, and really, it only goes downhill from there. Saru and Tilly land in the Wild West. Stamets has to cooperate with Jet Reno. Hugh Culber has to patch everyone back together, and Nhan has to wrangle Commander Georgiou. This week: “Far From Home.”
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