Starfleet officer educated in the liberal arts, commanding a starship fueled on enthusiasm and armed with photon torpedoes made of duct tape, legal reasoning, and d20s that only roll natural twenties.
Quilts and Cats of Calico is a board game adaptation that’s got some solid mechanics. Players build elaborate and beautiful quilts, either by themselves or in multiplayer, to the delight of an army of appreciative felines.
The Trekker’s Delight crew this week discusses Star Trek: Discovery’s third episode of season five in which a quick trip to Trill turns into greater challenges for Captain Burnham, Book, and Adira. Meanwhile, Rayner is trying to find his footing aboard Discovery.
Cat and Ghostly Road is an atmospheric point and click adventure title that has players go on a journey as a cat named Yang who travels to the spirit world to save his friend. Players are tasked with solving puzzles and completing quests as they journey through the world of ghosts and demons.
In Star Trek: Discovery’s third episode of season five, Captain Burnham goes to the planet Trill. Meanwhile, Saru is wrestling with his first serious relationship fight with T’Rina while Adira and Gray discuss their future. Tilly gets stuck on Rayner duty and somehow manages.
Clash II continues the endless battles in the series and pitts the colonizing Pure Ones against the druidic-like Old Ones fighting for strategic lands. At its core, Clash II offers players a solid but formulaic turn-based strategy experience.
Fan Collective Unimatrix 47 this week examines Star Trek: Discovery’s fifth season’s first two episodes “Red Directive” and “Under the Twin Moons,” and there’s some pretty clear thematic arcs beginning to shape up for this season.
Dripping with an incredible atmosphere that combines dark magic and supernatural entities with the intense historical setting of pre-Great War Poland, The Thaumaturge is one of the most unique, story-driven RPGs to release in years.
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