If you are looking for a cool way to experience your new Nintendo Switch, then Skylanders: Imaginators is a great title that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, adults or kids. And the innovative design of the Switch even helps to enhance the gameplay, so let’s get switching.
Game Review- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes almost everything we know from playing previous Zelda titles and throws it out the window. While shocking at first, gamers will quickly come to love this open-world masterpiece, the best Zelda title ever made, and an instant classic among RPGs.
The concept of SpiritSphere is both straightforward and weird. You play a Zelda-inspired character in a game of Pong, trying to shoot a magical ball past their defenses over many levels. But unique does not always mean good.
The new Nintendo Switch offers a seamless transition between handheld and traditional console gaming whenever a user desires, executed with beautiful simplicity. There are a few quirky things about the design, but the Switch shatters the gaming mold with grace and aplomb.
For Honor creates an endless conflict between some of history’s most valiant warriors: knights, samurai and Vikings. The genius thing about the game is that the largest battles always come down to a series of deadly duels and small-combat actions.
Those of you who feel burned by No Man’s Sky should check out Everspace instead, an open world space game being developed without unnecessary hype, but with lots of cool things to do. We pilot into Everspace a bit early and find a lot to like, and so much more to come.
Game Review- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
It’s been a little while since Van Helsing, a game originally made for the PC, made a move to consoles. But now that The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II is available for the Xbox One, all those monsters he hunts better watch out.
The original Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir was groundbreaking when it was released nine years ago. Today, developer Vanillaware has recast that magic with a remake that captures the greatness of the original while pushing it to even greater heights.
This week we take a look at Plantera, a beautiful piece of art that might also qualify as a video game, though we think that for Plantera, it may take the Casual genre a bit too far, removing the player form the equation all together.
Launching into the popular action and shooter-oriented MMO genre, Tom Clancy’s The Division has the superb combat, beautiful environments, cool loot and a unique Dark Zone mode to keep it fun and relevant for a very long time.
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