Making Games Smarter with NextPlay’s Mark Vange
This week the guys talk with Mark Vange of NextPlay about the innovations of animating for indie games and the use of artificial intelligence to assist in developing higher quality animation.
This week the guys talk with Mark Vange of NextPlay about the innovations of animating for indie games and the use of artificial intelligence to assist in developing higher quality animation.
If you are like most of us, the holidays might mean a little extra time for gaming as the winter holidays roll around and those vacation days are just begging to be taken. Neal plans to relax with some old gaming favorites alongside some brand new titles. What about your plans?
Our Skirmisher columnist has been dumping countless hours into sports management games like Football Manager. But while not everyone loves the thrill of coaching and managing their team, with better AI and more offerings, it’s a genre that could really take off.
Dustwind is a tactical RPG that has been around for a while. After fleshing out both a multiplayer and single player experience on the PC, it moves to conquer the PlayStation. But will the ghosts of bad ports blow a away a good Dustwind experience?
This week the guys are talking about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate after the final DLC characters were finally announced. This includes Neal being very confused on who some of the characters even are, while also and complaining about so many Pokémon being thrust into the game.
Remember the good old days of couch co-op games with friends? Before networking meant never having to share your potato chips? Neal’s wife takes over the column this week, dragging him along for some old school co-op adventures. Not that he is complaining. Couch co-op rocks after all.
Have you ever wondered why some classic video games are now selling for millions at auction? Vince and Neal dive into this somewhat odd situation to find out what’s behind this crazy new trend.
This week the Skirmisher decides to take this week to be a grouchy old man and complain about not being able to complete games and, half the time, forgetting what he was even doing. That’s what happens when the top RPGs are offering over 200 hours of content or more. It’s a good thing, unless you have to step away for a bit. Now where was that sword?
After conquering both injury and illness, The GiN Lounge is back and both Neal and Vincent are healthy and ready to start tackling the biggest issues in video games once again.
Jumping into the pubic beta, this week Neal writes about his experience with the Call of Duty: Vanguard sneak peek. The game was amazingly fun, but some of the players might want to be a little more careful about what they say and do with a hot mike nearby. Despite that, Vanguard is all it promised and more.