Revenge Of The Butterfinger Marketing
This week Neal swings back after it is announced that Final Fantasy is doing yet another promotion that involves buying Butterfingers for content. He also takes time to show a Magic: The Gathering case study.
This week Neal swings back after it is announced that Final Fantasy is doing yet another promotion that involves buying Butterfingers for content. He also takes time to show a Magic: The Gathering case study.
This week the guys cover topics ranging from how Nintendo’s Mario treatment may be the start of a bad trend of trying to FOMO gamers to death to developers trying to cancel Youtubers with DCMAs to asking if Yoshi’s have rights. Join Neal and Vincent on this off-the-rails episode of the GIN Lounge.
This week Neal takes a look at the strides video game media has taken in terms of quality and budgets, especially when branching out into movies. We have come a long way from marginal flicks like BloodRayne to better ones like Detective Pikachu and the ultimate series show in Castlevania.
This week Neal takes a look at the concept of artificial scarcity within Nintendo and how this cold reality effects their game releases going forward. This includes the recent death of Mario and the removal of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.
This week on the GiN Lounge, the guys examine modern gaming conventions that drive them nuts. This includes day one patches and releasing broken games. Neal also swears there is a correlation between Butterfingers and Final Fantasy VII DLC, and only time will tell if he’s right about something for once.
This week the skirmisher takes a brief look at how some casual games like Animal Crossing can act as therapy for people with certain health issues.
The guys are back and talking about the news from Nintendo Direct. This includes new launches, planned releases and Neal not being able to remember the name of a game with a shape in it. Another usual day in the lounge.
This week our Skirmisher Neal Sayatovich is contemplating characters, specifically the three main types of characters we find and develop in video games. He’s trying to decide which kind he likes best, and invites you do to do the same.
The GiN Lounge guys are back and talking Pokémon due to Pokémon Snap being given an April release date for the Nintendo Switch. This show is dedicated to thoughts on the up and down history of various secondary Pokémon titles and how the guys feel about them. But mostly, its about how great Snap might be!
This week The Skirmisher added yet another online service to the long list that he already maintains. The reason? It was required in order to play a single player game that he really wanted to try. It’s time to offer gaming again with no strings attached.