Neal Sayatovich, Online Editor

Neal loves the twists, turns and scares of a well developed horror game. He believes that the depth and personality of the characters will make or break a game. Neal isn't a huge fan of excess blood and gore and commends Doom 3 for it's fear factor despite the lack of blood.

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State of the Franchise: Final Fantasy

I have been playing Final Fantasy games for a long time. Now, just because I have played a franchise for a long time does not make me a fanboy. Since I’m talking Final Fantasy, I bet Todd would be getting in on this article if he wasn’t mad because my Blue Jackets beat his Capitals in hockey. As many of the long time readers know, Todd is anti-Final Fantasy. This got me to thinking about how far the franchise has come. Each installment has gotten more advanced and introduced something new. Final Fantasy VII set a precedent and each one … Continue reading State of the Franchise: Final Fantasy