Todd Hargosh, Testing Director

Todd's columns have appeared in many publications such as GamePro, Electronic Gaming Monthly, PC Gamer, and Electronic Games. Todd is a founding member of GiN and speaks from an "old school" gamer's perspective. Embracing the notions of all classic gaming, game soundtracks, and the original "hardcore style," he also shuns the trends he feels are ruining the game industry, such as the embracement of 3D, the over-saturation of MMOs, and misleading game advertising.

Recent Posts


While Crackdown was a sleeper hit, Todd finds that Crackdown 2 has removed much of the beloved gameplay and added in a repetitive, boring and frustrating series of missions instead. The mighty have fallen.

An E3 Wrap Up

The 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo has come and gone, and what a show it was! Motion controlling and 3D could change everything. The Gamer Geeks digest (and argue about) all the news among the crazy hype of this year’s E3 show.