Games Aren’t Perfect
Despite a few rather comical errors in Red Dead Redemption (the amazing donkey girl, talking dog gunfighters) Todd says the game should still probably earn some perfect review scores.
Despite a few rather comical errors in Red Dead Redemption (the amazing donkey girl, talking dog gunfighters) Todd says the game should still probably earn some perfect review scores.
People expecting to buy Wiiware and Wii DLC better read the fine print first. If your current Wii goes belly up, you will need to re-buy all your purchased content, like Todd did.
The Gamer Geeks retreat to their cave this week to discuss all things gaming, including the charming Love and Death: Bitten Adventure title, and total save wipeouts with Army of Two 40th Day.
After months of dread, Todd finally gives Final Fantasy XIII a try. And surprise, he’s having an awesome time with it. Could 13 be his lucky number now?
News that the classic X-COM: UFO Defense game was being remade had Todd initially ready to enlist, but as more and more details emerge, he’s having second thoughts about the war on aliens.
This week our intrepid Gamer Geeks head into space to explore titles like Mass Effect 2, Aliens vs. Predator and Final Fantasy XIII. Boldly join their crew!
With baseball season in full swing, we take a look at 2K’s Major League Baseball 2K10 and see how it pairs up against MLB 10: The Show.
Todd loves Apple. But recent company moves leave him wondering why they seem to be taking aim at some of their strongest, most loyal supporters.
An unfortunate picture choice is giving Todd an identity crisis this week, with folks in his own arcade thinking that he’s someone else.
After getting too much hate mail from Final Fantasy fans saying he should quit reviewing and playing games all together, Todd does the unthinkable…sort of.