New Games And MAGFest Fun
Not content to just hang out in the studio all the time, this week the Geeks go out and relive the MAGFest show with host Nicholas Marinelli. And they talk about some of the amazing titles causing gaming nirvana.
Not content to just hang out in the studio all the time, this week the Geeks go out and relive the MAGFest show with host Nicholas Marinelli. And they talk about some of the amazing titles causing gaming nirvana.
Bioshock 2 takes place ten years after the fall the Rapture, and lets you explore the fallen undersea utopia again in all its creepy goodness. Expect new surprises from the dying underwater metropolis.
Todd is beginning to see a pattern. Games that end in "2" have horrible endings. Bioshock, Gears of War and even Modern Warfare have followed this pattern. Can we go right to three?
After getting hit with back to back blizzards, Todd wonders if the delivery people will ever be able to get his copy of Bioshock 2 over to him. Regular mail has been down for days, and there’s not a FedEx or UPS truck in sight.
For the past seven years, Hargosh has predicted the outcome of the Super Bowl using Madden Football and an Xbox 360. Will his streak hold? Find out if the Saints or Colts will go all the way this year.
Ace GiN reporter Todd Hargosh covered the recent MAGFest show, filming interviews with Sid Meier and having a heck of a good time. The MAGFest show gets our highest possible recommendation.
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 improves the series in a lot of ways from easier to use controls to realistic damage when you smack the senses out of your opponents.
The Cobra Command arcade laserdisc game makes a valiant return on the iPhone as a downloadable application. Who would have thought that phones would resurrect arcade games?
Not wanting to wait for the official game of the year contest, Todd and Kelly make their picks for the top games of 2009. And as a bonus, they also pick the worst of the bunch.
Tekken 6 continues the glorious fighting tradition that the other games in the series offered, and does it for the first time on the Xbox 360 as well as the PS3, with 42 fighters ready at startup.