Let Her RIP
While some details are still being worked out, it looks like the E3 we knew and loved is really dead. But I wonder if anyone realizes what the show really meant for our industry?
While some details are still being worked out, it looks like the E3 we knew and loved is really dead. But I wonder if anyone realizes what the show really meant for our industry?
This week Todd finds some Japanese gems that are finally being released for play in the U.S. market. But why do they take 10 years to hit here?
Several great titles are coming out for the Xbox 360 in the next couple of weeks, but Todd is most excited about Prey because of the vertigo-inducing demo.
One of the hottest summer movies becomes one of the hottest summer games. Take X-Men out for a not so pleasant stroll through the park.
The RIAA may make it impossible for us to record television programs and music at home, if it gets its way against satellite radio. So Todd joins the defense!
Hargosh reminds Sony this week that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. It was true of several wars, and it’s true when launching a new console.
Final Fantasy XI makes the jump to the Xbox 360, and we find crisp graphics and good playability, as well as all the expansion packs ready to go – after a six hour download.
Combining guns and cars has always been a popular theme with gamers. Add in an unwreck button and Full Auto is a pretty unique title.
After a little time to digest his thoughts, Todd comes up with the winners (Microsoft) and the losers (Sony – at least a little) that emerged from E3.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence adds online play and plenty of extras sure to tempt any MGS fan, and comes at a bargain price as well!