Take It For a Spin
Beyblade Evolution for the Nintendo 3DS follows both the television show and the other games in the series on other platforms. On the 3DS, the Beys look great in 3D combat, but there is still not much to do.
Beyblade Evolution for the Nintendo 3DS follows both the television show and the other games in the series on other platforms. On the 3DS, the Beys look great in 3D combat, but there is still not much to do.
Lost Planet 3 is a surprisingly character driven tale which is more akin to a survival horror or adventure game. Set in the frozen world of the series, it does story well, but is a little weak with combat.
Mamorukun Curse is one heck of a brightly colored shoot-em-up. While these games often cause players to curse, this one actually embraces it in a fun and unique way. So fire away!
Megabyte Punch seems like a cross between Custom Robo and Super Smash Bros. In other words, it’s an awesome find for people who like that type of game. It’s available on Steam Greenlight.
Betrayer is an adventure game with quite a few twists, like having the entire world displayed in black and white, and having a shooter interface set in colonial times. We look in on this interesting game’s development.
Tales of Xillia is the thirteenth entry in the popular Tales franchise. An exclusive PlayStation title, it ranks among the best of the Japanese RPGs to come out this year.
State of Decay offers a realistic, living world where survivors try to grow gardens, scavenge food, help each other out, and try not to get their faces eaten by armies of hungry zombies.
Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut brings the wacky, wonderful and bug-filled game to the PlayStation 3 with some nice extras. Can a game be horrible and amazing at the same time?
Rush Bros is a visually overloaded platformer for the PC and consoles that challenges you not only to get the best time on a music-trap laden extreme course, but also to beat your opponent.
GoD Factory: Wingmen is a space combat shooter where teams of four pilots group up to try and take out an enemy aircraft carrier, while others try to do the same thing to your base. Action stations!