Fizban was the mortal form of the Platinum Dragon God, so who better to educate humans about the lore and history of dragons from the Dungeons and Dragons realms. And who better to do it in a whimsical way that makes learning about these noble beasts both interesting and fun?
Giants have always been brutal enemies in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. The new Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants compendium from Wizards of the Coast not only adds plenty of lore and treasure for those massive creatures.
Dungeons and Dragons has traditionally been played mostly in the minds of its players and dungeon masters. Meanwhile, the Dragonlance campaign realm was created for more tactical combat opportunities, and the Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn Board Game doubles down on that.
Keys From The Golden Vault is a surprising and fun new adventure supplement that can be dropped into any existing Dungeons and Dragons campaign to add thrilling heist missions to the standard dungeon crawling. And the scenarios can work as standalone adventures or become the backbone of an entire campaign.
Dungeon and Dragons players first got a glimpse of the Spelljammer campaign setting in 1989, with medieval type adventurers piloting sailing ships through space. That amazing concept has now been recreated and updated in a massive new Spelljammer: Adventures in Space compendium that is not to be missed.
Dungeons & Dragons has been enchanting generations of fantasy fans for decades and the memories and friendships created around the table are long-lasting, if shows like Stranger Things or the 80s D&D cartoon are to be believed. It’s never been easier to introduce the game to new players with the release of the D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, available now at Target stores for $19.99. With a streamlined rulebook and accompanying online video tutorials, heroic ready-to-play characters, a set of six dice, and an exciting adventure designed with new Dungeon Masters in mind, the only thing needed is … Continue reading New Starter Set for Dungeons and Dragons Available Now Exclusively at Target Stores→
Book Review- The Wild Beyond The Witchlight: A Feywild Adventure
The Wild Beyond The Witchlight: A Feywild Adventure is one of the most unique Dungeons and Dragons supplements to come out in years. Adventure through a strange and whimsical magical carnival into the Feywild, where things really start to get wacky in this amazing adventure.
From September 23-26, the D&D community comes together for D&D Celebration – a weekend celebrating the release of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, and previewing Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (Oct 19) and Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (Nov 16)! The first official D&D musical? The cast of Star Trek: Discovery rolling the d20s? This year’s D&D Celebration will offer fans a front row seat to watch all that and more as hilarious Dungeon Masters lead adventures in a slate of side-splitting virtual games including: Disco Does D&D Cast members from Star Trek: Discovery Anthony Rapp, Mary Wisemann, Blu del Barrio, … Continue reading Wizards Celebrating The Wild Beyond The Witchlight with Packed Weekend of Events→
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft is one of the most spectacular Dungeons and Dragons supplements released in years. It’s packed with everything you need to begin down the dark road of horror gaming, or to boost the thrill level for an experienced group of hardy adventurers.
The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount supplement brings the island continent from the Critical Role streaming show to amazingly detailed life. Whether you are a fan of the show or just looking for a highly meticulous sandbox for your party to play in, Wildemount has a lot to offer.
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