Off to Avengers
Sure, the gang could go out and be productive, but let’s be honest, the new Avengers movie is out and there’s really only one place for them to be this weekend.
Sure, the gang could go out and be productive, but let’s be honest, the new Avengers movie is out and there’s really only one place for them to be this weekend.
God of War came out this week, and that means there’s isn’t a whole lot of productive work going on. In fact, there may just be no work going on.
Monster Hunter World has been out for a while now, and that’s given players plenty of time to sink their teeth into the game. However, some veterans can’t help but feel it was made easier to draw in a larger audience.
Spyro is finally making a return with the release of the Reignited Trilogy that will be coming out later this year, and he has an old friend waiting for him.
Today is Easter Sunday and Aster is all up for the celebrations, but its hatching a metroid during the holiday a good thing or a bad thing?
Since when has Microsoft been getting along with Nintendo so well. Either way, the rival game company is up for the idea of putting Banjo-Kazooie is the new Super Smash Bros. game.
It isn’t even E3 yet and Nintendo fans already have lots of good news thanks to the recent Nintendo Direct that came out!
At this point I really do believe Square Enix just likes making its fans cry, because there’s no other reason Chrono Trigger on Steam should look as bad as it does.
Metal Gear Survive is out and Konami is stirring up another controversy by charging for extra save slots, but does it really matter?
The new Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer is here and the game looks great, but Aster still isn’t convinced it’ll come out in 2018.