Everybody’s Doing It
Sometimes, you know how you’re into a thing…then everyone ELSE starts to doing it? Sometimes it’s just not others biting your style.
Sometimes, you know how you’re into a thing…then everyone ELSE starts to doing it? Sometimes it’s just not others biting your style.
Hyrule Warriors is one heck of a great game for the WiiU platform. But with so many combatants running around, funny things are bound to happen. Names with this cartoon were changed to protect the guilty.
This week Jordan and Joe make a colossal error in judgment, deciding to take on a monster that neither one of them are equipped to handle. See if you can guess which game they are playing badly this week.
This week Jordan gets caught up in yet another hype wave for yet another game. Some titles have it, and some don’t. What is he getting himself into this time?
Sometimes these trends get to be a little too much. Anime Disney, Anime Marvel. Anime…GameCo? Just how far is this trend going to go, anywa
At last the truth comes out for Joe. Despite all of his brave words he hides behind the shield of tech support!
Sometimes the learning experience on technology is harsh. And cold. Especially cold this time. Brr!
It’s never pretty watching surgery on a beloved friend. Much less a laptop with your important files on it, right, Alia?
This week the gang learns the pain – nay, the horror – of losing one of life’s little support mechanisms. Ask Alia. She’ll tell you.
It’s always sad, to see one pass on so young. Still, we remember not as they leave, but for the data they held.