No Controllers Here
Well, there’s games and then there’s games. And not every game is for every person. Sometimes the cultural gap is just too vast to overcome. Sad, really.
Well, there’s games and then there’s games. And not every game is for every person. Sometimes the cultural gap is just too vast to overcome. Sad, really.
Some people are just born to take it easy. Joe is one of those. Jordan, on the other hand, appears to fall under the getting-by-on-his-looks category.
Feel our pain. GameCo gets its move on this week and Joe shows how to do it like a boss. Real world? A bit different.
Still some fun times out there in stick-land, right? But is it possible being two dimensional isn’t all fun?
Tight and busy times at GiN world HQ stick Alia on her own. A collaboration with an unnamed cousin lends us this week’s stick figure cartoon!
This week the gang discusses exactly what and where it’s OK to kill people. Everyone people? No. Nazis? Sure. Zombies? Oh, yeah.
This week, Aster is hosting an E3 Expo panel on women in the games industry. Can this possibly go well? Let’s find out in this week’s cartoon!
Well, it’s E3 Expo time again. And that means all work and no play for game developers. Of course, some may not get the business professional clothing…
It could be…maybe…that sometimes people can take cosplay a little to far. Jordan’s got the too-many-movies bug these days and it’s not good.
It’s true. For some of us, a certain level of choices leads to paralysis. Isn’t it nice to know that it can happen to some of the GameCo people as well?