Breaking Things
Joe really shouldn’t trust those two. After all, last time they made him dress up as…no, I can’t go on. Some things are too private.
Joe really shouldn’t trust those two. After all, last time they made him dress up as…no, I can’t go on. Some things are too private.
Sometimes role playing can be downright dangerous. In this week’s cartoon at least Aster seems to know the risks inherent in the job. No way, not for her.
The gang – well, one of them – is all on board with the idea of digging for gaming treasure. But really, is it worth the smell?
The gang contemplates the GameStop closings and who’s really going to be hurt by the move to mobile.
If it’s Spring it must be one more spend-until-your-done MMO. What’s the latest craze? Cashing in on last year’s thing, of course.
Is something wrong with Jordan? Look who he’s hanging out with now, and judge for yourself!
Not everyone gets the message. Some take the Assassin’s Creed thing a bit too seriously. Fortunately, they’re subject to training.
Are special announcements about game trailers really necessary? If you take the sense of the GameCo bullpen then apparently so.
Sure, GameCo makes games. GameCo even SELLS games. But is that really why they exist? Is it really why any game company exists?