Is it really that bad when a comic character gets a full time job? Not usually, but what if it’s sort of…at best…a sideways move. Well, at least it’s got a lot of exposure.
Is it really that bad when a comic character gets a full time job? Not usually, but what if it’s sort of…at best…a sideways move. Well, at least it’s got a lot of exposure.
The ladies continue to point out some hypocrises in Hollywood’s approach to superheros. It’s truly a shame. Fight the power!
Today Aster and a special guest are lamenting a certain something. And what’s his name? With the fur? Turns out he’s not helping at all.
Sometimes ideas that seem good can be…not good. Double plus ungood, even. So it is with the folks at GameCo this week.
Sooo…the gang moved 100,000 copies of their game during Joe’s painkiller-fueled rampage. Now it’s time to figure out if it was worth it. Was it?
So the Comic has Joe feeling better. But is it the painkillers or the sales that are perking him up? And at what cost?
So what exactly DOES one do when the guy in charge of the money is loopy? The gang has to figure that out in this week’s Sunday Comic!
Because there’s no way that Alia is writing this and not Nate, does it have any meaning at all? Right folks? Tap tap. Is this thing on?
The changing face of game culture. It’s good, right? Isn’t it? I kinda suppose it depends on one’s point of view and one’s place of employment.
This week you can see where the comic gets its own back against the creators! All is not well in art-land. Or is it just that we’re punchy from the holidays? You make the call.