Goodbye to the Old
Is this … the END of GameCo? Well, yes, actually. The gang leaves their old haunts for the newer, scarier world that’s out there. What does the future hold?
Is this … the END of GameCo? Well, yes, actually. The gang leaves their old haunts for the newer, scarier world that’s out there. What does the future hold?
Aster really is heartless, isn’t she? You guys wouldn’t do that to YOUR boss, would you? No, you guys all love your bosses, right? RIGHT?
The gang is finally ready to strike out and create their own development studio, and even have their first game just about finished. But, is there one more thing they need to do?
The money is flowing for the gang. Success and independence is right there…in front of them. So why is Joe so unhappy?
The gang are considering an investor’s offer. But can they talk him down from wanting control of the firm? Let’s find out if they can.
The gang finally have a money-man interested in backing their game. But at what price? And are they prepared to pay it?
The bullpen gang is trying to get funding for their own game. Let’s check in and see how that’s going. SLAM!
Just as expected, Joe knows how to raise money. But maybe it’s a good idea that he and Aster are planning to keep Jordan out of the process.
In this week’s comic we learn that there’s a crucial difference between Joe and Jordan. But, it’s OK, because Aster understands both of them.
Back at the storyline, Joe finds out why others value him. Money, of course. Why else would anyone like him?