Subject to Change
The GiN Sunday Comic does what it does best! Takes a shot at Chief Editor John Breeden! Really, he’s got us all locked away typing! Send help!
The GiN Sunday Comic does what it does best! Takes a shot at Chief Editor John Breeden! Really, he’s got us all locked away typing! Send help!
The Sunday Comic takes our second annual shot at ourselves this week. Who’s that passing out free games? It’s John! But…wait! That’s just more work!
In the Sunday Comic Aster seems very willing to go along with including Joe in her little team. Why? What’s she got up her sleeve?
What exactly is Joe up to? He knows, we know he knows, but do we know what he wants because he knows? I’m confused.
And he doesn’t mean ‘Wii U’, folks. Now that Jordan has confessed what…exactly…is Joe thinking?
Did anyone really think that Jordan could keep it to himself? He seems a little too high-strung for that sort of thing. Now how does he get out of this, anyway?
The paranoia is running high at GameCo as Aster and Jordan try to keep the secret. But can they when Joe and the boss start talking?
So now Aster’s thinking they can get away with it. Or are they already caught? Either way Jordan’s in trouble with SOMEONE.
It’s tension city at GameCo and Joe suspects Aster and Jordan are up to something…the worst part is…they are. What are they gonna do?
Aster and Jordan are nervous. But why? We know. But has Joe? Is he really smart enough to have figured it out? Read on!