At Least TRY to Keep Cool
Once again Aster shows why she’s the smart one. Jordan? Not so much. As least he didn’t burst into flame or something.
Once again Aster shows why she’s the smart one. Jordan? Not so much. As least he didn’t burst into flame or something.
So Jordan’s got this game. But he’s under contract. Maybe he can set it right. Or maybe…
Jordan’s made an excellent game. An EXcellent game. So why is Aster abusing him. Other than her normal abuse, of course.
Aster likes Jordan’s game. She likes it a lot. So what terrible secret is she hiding? Find out, in the GiN Sunday Comic.
Jordan’s asleep. But why is Aster punching him? Aside from the normal reason, I mean. What’s got her so worked up? Find out…in the Sunday Comic!
A new arc begins with Jordan…slumped over a keyboard. Can anything good come of this? Or is it just his natural state?
It’s the aftermath of the latest heroine’s journey. Did Jordan survive? Only one way to find out!
Laura tells the girls to end their revolution against the boys of gaming this week. But that may not save Joe and Jordan from taking a few final lumps.
It’s finally time for Aster and Lara to meet. See what Lara’s got to say. And find out what Aster DOESN’T have to say. All in the GiN Sunday Comic!
We’re building to our big adventure’s finish. But why are the girls surprised to get no satisfaction from the boys?