Wacka Wacka Women
The revolution is in full swing at GameCo, as the girls take over the reigns. And word of this battle reaches some unexpected allies, who come from gameland to help out.
The revolution is in full swing at GameCo, as the girls take over the reigns. And word of this battle reaches some unexpected allies, who come from gameland to help out.
Aster brings her righteous rage to the world. Do women characters need protecting? Depends on one’s point of view. And does Aster find a point of view? Read on!
Aster’s on the warpath about the Tomb Raider reboot. The rest of the gang are living in fear while she does the loathing. It’s about to be payback time.
Did we ever mention that both GiN and GameCo are located in, apparently, the windstormiest of corridors! Run! It’s WIND! Seriously, we’re lucky we still have power. Some of us don’t.
Even the worst storm in a decade can’t stop the weekly comic! And probably nothing will stop Aster either!
The game takes on the Lara Croft…issues. Sometimes, it seems, stern measures are required. Women! Rise, rise and throw off your chains!
Having created the new Avenger’s Game, the crew at GameCo begins to wonder how in the heck they could ever top that feat. You know it will be something wild and crazy.
By hook and crook, the team at GameCo somehow got the license to develop the Avengers game. We wonder if they might actually stop celebrating and get down to writing some code? Na. There’s Cosplay first!
There’s tension in the air in the bullpen. The gang’s waiting on word from the boss? Did he pull it off or not? Get the answer in the GiN Sunday Comic!
It’s not all testosterone in Avengers Game world as the GameCo gang starts to get their heads around what’s needed to make the Avengers game. What’s that, Aster? Really?