Delivery for GameCo!
There’s tension in the air in the bullpen. The gang’s waiting on word from the boss? Did he pull it off or not? Get the answer in the GiN Sunday Comic!
There’s tension in the air in the bullpen. The gang’s waiting on word from the boss? Did he pull it off or not? Get the answer in the GiN Sunday Comic!
It’s not all testosterone in Avengers Game world as the GameCo gang starts to get their heads around what’s needed to make the Avengers game. What’s that, Aster? Really?
GameCo gets into the Spirit of the hottest movie from hotsville! Are they up to the task when the call comes! Check out today’s comic and find out!
The GameCo guys finally find a movie that’s looking for a game! What is it? Could it be? Can it truly? You won’t believe it.
Stop it, just stop it! It terrifies us here at GiN that this week’s comic just might be prescient. Can there really be a MLP game…with NINJAS?
This week the gang from GameCo continues trying to figure out the bosses head. It’s a cold, dark, scart and surreal place to be. Brr! On the Sunday Comic!
Man, Disney is going to get us for SURE with this one. The GiN Sunday Comic gang is trying to figure out the next great game tie in! Read it and get your bumpershoot out!
Trying to cash in is never an easy task. And it’s harder when you’re the boss at GameCo and unplugged. He’s heard that movies and games are big and wants it…in the comic!
The team is working fine at GameCo this week. You can tell that productivity is up and morale is high. But what’s the boss up to? He’s thinking…
It’s not a pretty sight with Joe and Jordan at daggers drawn. But it’s really Aster everyone should be worried about. Heads up, boys. Heads up.