Hailing from the windswept wilds of Wales, Drew Moffatt is GiN’s European Correspondent. His bi-weekly EuroFiles column sniffs out the latest game news from across the pond and from the industry in general.
The #OscarsSoWhite controversy raises the question of #GamesSoWhite. Chella looks at the lack of diversity in games and wonders why we never discuss race and the lack of black and other minority characters.
Up until lately, things have been pretty black and white, in the world of games. Aliens bad, big guns good, kill everything to win. With the likes of Her Story, gamers are dealing with ambiguous tales that don’t tie up all the loose ends. But that’s not such a bad thing.
Chella was in two minds whether to delve into the new Hitman, but now that it’s to be an episodic launch she thinks it makes sense for gamers. They can jump in for $15 and give it a punt, getting a AAA experience for the price of an indie.
Chella’s most anticipated games of 2016 include some big, blockbuster titles, alongside small indie gems you may not have noticed, but which prove how rich and varied this medium is. Read on for the hottest games of 2016 and see if your new favorites made the list.
We’re less than a week away from the Christmas holidays and that means it’s time to reflect on the year that was, with some gaming highlights (and lowlights) of 2015.
For an industry that’s famously risk adverse, it seems crazy to line-up all your blockbusters games at once to compete against each other, but that’s what the games industry does every year. Games and gamers suffer, but Chella thinks there’s a solution.
This is a full disclosure discussion of Life is Strange, so…here be spoilers!
While everyone’s staggering out of the vault, eyes dazzled by the sun and lips seared by the desert wind of Fallout 4, I’ve been finishing Life is Strange. Well, that was weird.
In an interview , Frank O’Connor of 343 industries revealed a backwards (in more ways than one) engineered reason for Cortana’s nakedness in Halo 5. Apparently, she’s not naked, it’s all an illusion.
I realised something the other week, as I loaded up the Star Wars Battlefront beta. Until that moment, I hadn’t played a game with a gun in it, for over a year.
The autumn/winter gaming juggernaut is kicking into gear, as the big releases come thick and fast. If you’re not sure what to play next, I’ve got a nifty little guide to the titles to look forward to for the next few months.
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