Todd Hargosh, a.k.a. GiN Hardcore, loves to tell it like it is, no matter who gets hurt. If you do good, and put out quality stuff, he will praise you to the ends of the earth. However, if you betray him, God help you.
There has been a big rise of what is called e-sports, competitive gaming events that showcase the best of what the game industry has to offer. But only recently have a lot of people gotten really interested in it, and it has a lot to do with the coverage ESPN provided for EVO 2016.
Todd is binging out, playing lots of great games this summer after acquiring many of them in the ongoing Steam Summer Sale. Todd bought 11 games for $70, which would have normally cost about $280. The Steam Sale is mostly great, but it’s easy to get a bit carried away.
Todd dives into his half-year list of the best videogames that he has played in 2016 so far, and also, of course, the worst of the bunch. In a year that has been a little bit bland for gaming so far, Todd offers up some of the highs and lows.
Todd has spent so long in the Commonwealth that he’s starting to speak with a Boston accent. And now, just when things were getting a bit old, console players suddenly have access to Fallout 4 mods. Todd names the five best that he has discovered so far.
Just like an engine makes or breaks a vehicle’s performance, the same can be said for game engines, especially for titles like shooters. Lately, we could almost review a game by looking at its engine. Titles using CryEngine have looked great, but suffered horrible performance, especially on consoles.
In warfare when you switch sides they call it being a traitor, but Hargosh may have good cause. A longtime Call of Duty fan, he’s angry because the only way to buy the remastered Modern Warfare is bundled with Infinite War. And then there is that great Battlefield 1 trailer.
News that Microsoft has discontinued production of the Xbox 360 console was bittersweet for Todd and many other Xbox fans. Thankfully, backwards compatibility means that the games will live on, but Todd still takes time to salute an old friend.
Todd has been doing so much PC gaming lately that he’s not really paid much attention to all the rumors of upgraded versions of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But he worries that enhanced consoles releasing so soon after launch would be dangerous to the industry.
Todd dives back into the wasteland this week to tackle Fallout 4’s Automatron DLC. He runs into a fun but quirky robot companion named Ada, and wacky relationship trouble ensues. Can a man and a crazy killing robot find happiness in a post-apocalyptic world?
There is so much going on these past few weeks that Todd is compressing three column ideas into one. Strap on your seatbelt as he goes rapid-fire on Tom Clancy’s The Division, PlayStation VR pricing news and the amazing cross-play console games offer made by Microsoft.
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