Todd Hargosh, a.k.a. GiN Hardcore, loves to tell it like it is, no matter who gets hurt. If you do good, and put out quality stuff, he will praise you to the ends of the earth. However, if you betray him, God help you.
Todd brings us a tale of two fighting games this week. Mortal Kombat XL was released as a content-packed DLC for under $20. Meanwhile, Street Fighter V came out for a full $60 and offers perhaps two hours of single player gameplay. Quite a difference.
News that Quantum Break is moving to PC instead of being a pure Xbox One exclusive title has got some people a little bit upset. But Todd, a longtime Xbox fan, doesn’t see the problem. Letting more people play a good game is not a bad thing, and the cross-buy status means that if you get the game for the Xbox, that you also own a copy for Windows. Pretty sweet deal, right?
PC gaming and games are making a big comeback, with many exclusive titles like the pending XCOM 2. So Todd is giving PC gaming another try, with an economical system that might just suit his needs. In other news, he also predicts the winner of the Superbowl this week using Madden. Panthers or Broncos?
Like many of us, Todd has been waiting it seems for a great virtual reality system forever. Now that Oculus Rift is close to release, we find a rather non-virtual factor to bring it home: a huge price tag. Is VR’s price going to keep it virtual for most gamers?
Todd is back with the second part of his personal 2015 video game honors. Who will win the coveted badass of the year award, the best developer of 2015, and which company made the smartest move in the industry? All hail the winners this week!
It’s the tail end of 2015, and that means it’s time for Todd to count down the best and worst games of the year, totally according to him. Come see where Todd ranks the best and the worst that video games had to offer this year, and see how close he gets to your personal list.
Having backwards compatibility on the Xbox One for many 360 games is something that quite a few gamers enjoy. But Sony is digging in and not allowing the same level of usability with the PlayStation 4, unless you want to pay PlayStation Now prices. Not exactly fair or equal treatment?
Desperate to play something this holiday season other than Fallout 4? Even vault dwellers sometimes need to come up for air. Todd picks a few choice games that might make for a bit of a distraction.
Todd finishes the main story of Fallout 4 in 53 hours of play. Not exactly a speed run, and he figures he still has 200 or more hours to invest in the game. Taking a quick pause for air, he reviews some of the interesting points as well as a few annoying quirks that the powerhouse title offered.
Every year, with Halloween approaching, Todd regales us with tales of games that he finds particularly scary. Last year it was Alien Isolation, which he had to stop playing due to health reasons. This year however, he’s not found any games too terrifying. But there are several things in real life that actually are much more frightening.
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