Todd Hargosh, a.k.a. GiN Hardcore, loves to tell it like it is, no matter who gets hurt. If you do good, and put out quality stuff, he will praise you to the ends of the earth. However, if you betray him, God help you.
Todd upgraded to the Xbox One S a while ago, but always had plans to make the leap to Scorpio if the console looked impressive. With details starting to come out, it looks like it might be one of the most powerful consoles ever created, with full backwards compatibility to boot.
Todd continues his No Man’s Sky second chance play-through, but even with the new updates, can it compete with the glory of Mass Effect: Andromeda and some of the other titles that have finally been released? Surprisingly, it just might, as Hello Games is really working to improve their game.
With new graphics and monster truck-like ground vehicles, Todd creeps back into No Man’s Sky for a second look at the game that has probably caused him the most personal contention in years. Should the improvements win you back over?
Todd checks out the new Xbox Game Pass this week, where gamers get access to about 100 rotating titles for $10 per month, plus discounts if they want to buy new games. Seems like a great deal, but he’s finding one unexpected problem: hard drives are gonna fill up fast!
After months of planning, Todd finally gets all the equipment together to set up a monster 4K Ultra HD gaming system. Equipped with both a PlayStation 4 Pro and an Xbox One S, he’s playing new games and remastered classics in improved resolutions.
It’s that time of year again, when Todd simulates the big game and predicts the winner. He’s running slightly ahead of that walrus at picking winners, so we suppose that’s something. Who will win the Hardcore Bowl this year, Patriots or Falcons, and go on to (maybe) win the real game?
Todd saw a lot to love at the big Nintendo Switch event, but he’s still on the fence about a few things. The odd way Nintendo is planning to parcel out free games, limited battery life and apparently weak third-party support are troubling. Then again, there is new Zelda and Mario. Will the Switch be hitting with gamers?
Welcome back for Part Two of Todd’s annual hardcore awards. Last week we celebrated all the special recognition awards, and now it’s time to get to what you all want to see, Todd’s picks for the best and worst games of the previous year. Thankfully, there are plenty in both categories to go around!
It’s that time of year again. Todd is back with his Hardcore awards. This week, in part one, we learn the, sort of, winners of all the special categories. Who will be crowned the Badass and Dumbass of the year? Dive in and find out.
Remember last week when Todd was bummed about resellers bumping up the price of the NES Classic Mini? Well, his troubles are over. Now he’s on to something better in the field of retro gaming: the Retro-Bit Generations console.
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