Of Geisha And Games
Chella is back from Japan and boy does she have some stories to tell. Find out about how she got naked with the locals, powered through pachinko and experienced some of the strangest arcades ever, plus some breathtaking beauty.
Chella is back from Japan and boy does she have some stories to tell. Find out about how she got naked with the locals, powered through pachinko and experienced some of the strangest arcades ever, plus some breathtaking beauty.
Todd believes that the shortages of the Wii console and Wii Fit are manmade, and he is getting to the point where he is mad as heck, and won’t take it anymore.
Chella heads to the land of the rising game this week to check out the birthplace of our industry. And if Godzilla attacks, she will have her Mech suit ready.
Most people are sad to see summer go, but not Todd. He remembers a rockin’ time filled with XBLA games. And his total cost for supreme summer fun: only $60 total.
Chella uncovers a global network of hackers and thieves who would make an evil genius blush. And their target: online game players. Learn how you can protect yourself, and your characters.
Hard to believe that John Madden’s football game is twenty years old this week! With the release of Madden NFL 09, Todd takes a look back at what else? A highlight reel.
We have all heard the movie versus games debate a million times. But this week Chella pits games against novels. Do we have anything that could stand against Solzhenitsyn?
"Hello, I’m an iPod, and your next gaming console." What? Todd sets his dislike for Apple aside and finds a wonderful new gaming platform – his iPod Touch!
With great joy and surprise, Chella waits for The Watchmen comic to be made into a film and a game"and prays that it won’t go the horrible route of so many other adaptations.
Although still a tiny shadow of its former, amazing self, E3 is at least starting to creep back towards being a relevant show once again. Is this redemption, or too little, too late?