Gone For A Burton
The game industry is always tying to be more like the movie industry, but Chella wonders why. Especially around awards season, they have nothing on us.
The game industry is always tying to be more like the movie industry, but Chella wonders why. Especially around awards season, they have nothing on us.
Seeing that Hargosh finally got a PS3, reviewer James Maddox sees the final sign that Sony is on the way to the top of the pile again. So it is written.
Faced with a CES full of Blu-Ray, and several intriguing new titles, Todd bites the bullet and does the unthinkable: he swallows his pride and buys a PS3.
Chella moves into her brand new office, and finds that the trampoline craze sweeping England hits close to home. If only more computer games featured them.
Not wanting to wait for the official votes, Hargosh picks who he thinks will win the Game of the Year awards, and gives out some special ones, like his Holy Crap moment of 2007.
With Chella off this week, we check in on our chief editor as he vacations in Middle Earth with Lord of the Rings online.
Todd puts two of the greatest musical games head to head in a battle royal to determine which one should be under your holiday tree.
With the year 2007 in a race to the finish, Chella remembers the good and the bad of the year, only this time, it was all mostly good. In 07, games really rocked!
Reviewer Ryan Allen thought he was in seventh heaven when he got his new gaming laptop. Little did he know he would soon be somewhere else that rhymes with Dell.
They may not have always gotten along (aka the E3 brawl) but what Gamespot did to Jeff Gerstmann has got Todd squarely on his side – and Gamespot in his sights.