Suffering from 360 Withdrawal
It was a sad day as Todd packed his 360 into the Microsoft coffin and sent it to be repaired in Texas. Two weeks and no word, and Todd is getting worried.
It was a sad day as Todd packed his 360 into the Microsoft coffin and sent it to be repaired in Texas. Two weeks and no word, and Todd is getting worried.
With election season gearing up in the UK, both the conservative and liberal candidates are taking a swing at games. When did we become so bad?
Reviewers who "get" Space Giraffe are giving it high marks, while others, well, Todd reserves some strong words for the others.
To keep up with her online friends, Chella joins Facebook, and finds that all is not wine and roses in the virtual community.
Like everyone else it seems, Todd is busy playing Madden 08 nonstop since it released this week. However, the game runs much better on a 360 than a PS3 and we wonder why?
The Darkness on the PS3 may have some pretty disgusting scenes which evoke strong emotions, but this is really only the beginning stage of gaming’s evolution.
Yet another game fails to live up to Wii gamer expectations as The Transformers does not really add anything new. Come on developers, we want good Wii!
The announcement that British public school children will be able to study the history of computer games comes as a shock in a country that is not exactly game friendly.
It seems things are a little wild this week, as Todd recovers from another traffic accident. But this gives him time to reflect on many things, and the crazy last couple of days.
A teeny tiny E3 this year nonetheless had some very big announcements (which we will go over), though gone are the days of the pomp and circumstance.