Wii Got Issues
The Wii may be a great system, but only for games specifically designed to work with its innovative controls. Otherwise, they fall a little flat.
The Wii may be a great system, but only for games specifically designed to work with its innovative controls. Otherwise, they fall a little flat.
Chella missed the big Manhunt 2 controversy because she was wallowing in the mud for nine days looking for a clean bathroom. Home and clean, she weighs in on Rockstar’s latest incident.
Bad boys Rockstar Games are putting Manhunt 2 on hold amid another violence controversy. But shouldn’t adults be able to buy whatever they want?
Chella finds a way to go green this week by powering her Xbox 360 using solar panels, thus saving money and the environment while killing orcs.
Two decades after his first game of Pac-Man, a brand new funky twist on the game has got Todd addicted to the little yellow guy all over again.
Going back and replaying some of her most loved games, Chella finds that the ubiquitous "boss battles" may be a little past their prime.
A badly bungled beta launch for Halo 3 has Hargosh worried that Bungie and Microsoft might not be able to pull it together to finish the fight in September.
With a curse on most "3" movies (has anyone seen the new Spiderman) Chella wonders if Halo 3 can beat the trends and bring us the heat again!
Seeing the floor plan for this year’s airplane hanger E3 Expo, Todd wonders where all the smaller developers have gone, and if the show is even still relevant.
A Sony PR blunder puts the media spotlight on a launch party featuring topless women and slaughtered goats. Or was that the other way around?