This week Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich decides to relive some happy childhood memories with a series of Star Wars titles he played back in the day which recently popped back up in his PlayStation Plus Classics Catalog. Will the Force be with him this week?
This week Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney tries to get the term labyrinthine platformer to catch on whenever he is not overly mesmerized by all the amazing colorful effects in 9 Years of Shadows.
Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich likes sports, but he enjoys the management side of things better these days. This week Neal discusses his thoughts about sports management titles.
Our Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney is feeling a little bit under the weather this week, but it’s nothing that some chicken soup and Super Alloy Ranger can’t cure.
This week, Neal Sayatovich is Fresh Look’s guest columnist for his wife, Michelle. Neal relives some fond childhood memories by diving into The Legend of Dragoon, one of the first contemporary role-playing games, and a title that was recently ported over to the PlayStation 4 and 5.
Gamers8 has been trying to become the biggest eSports gaming festival for some time now, and the addition of a just announced $1 million CS:GO tournament is sure to help.
This week, Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney steps into the zombie apocalypse with State of Decay 2 on Steam. This edition of the title also includes all three add-on packs so there’s lots of zombie apocalyptic fun to be had while roaming around in State of Decay 2’s zombie sandbox world.
This week, Neal Sayatovich is Fresh Look’s guest columnist for his wife, Michelle. Neal takes a look at Sony’s newly improved classics catalog with titles like The Legend of Dragoon and Dark Cloud 2. For those who enjoy classic titles, PlayStation Plus is becoming quite the destination.
Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney enjoys classic RPGs, and he goes back and plays them regularly. But what is even better? When they get remade, like with Tales of Symphonia Remastered that he takes a look at this week.
Fresh Look columnist Michelle Sayatovich recently began playing Fire Emblem Engage. In this week’s column, she describes attempting to do an Ironman run, what she learned, and also shares helpful tips and strategies to use while playing Engage.
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