We need Wii!
Even though the PS3 was the much more hyped system, they are prevalent now while there are not enough Wii’s to go around. Nintendo, where are our Wiis?
Even though the PS3 was the much more hyped system, they are prevalent now while there are not enough Wii’s to go around. Nintendo, where are our Wiis?
Thanks to GameTap, Sam and Max have made their great return. Now if we could just get a couple more catch phrases from them.
Chella moves into her new countryside cottage, but lazy dwarven miners and a huge adamantium field are keeping her off the Internet.
Although Digital Rights Management is supposed to protect content like games, music and movies, it does so at the expense of your rights.
There are many ways for developers to pull players into their worlds. This week we look at two different approaches, one of them quite expensive.
Not content to wait for the GiN Game Of The Year Awards, Todd dishes out his annual Badass Of The Year Prize along with other dubious distinctions.
Chella takes a look back at the games that made 2006 so amazing. Although not a banner year, the few titles that did make waves hit like a tsunami.
Even though Blu-Ray comes standard with the PS3 now, Todd predicts that HD-DVD will win the format wars, making Blu-Ray the next Betamax.
With the holiday season upon her, obligations and deadlines are interfering with Chella’s game playing. Someone shove some more sand into her hourglass, quick!
Why is it that a console launch brings out the worst in people? While the Wii went smoothly due to a large supply, the PS3 pandemonium was the worst ever seen.